
School 2013

  • КБС Рус

    04 июня в 05:0011-я серия
    вт, 4 июня
    11-я серия

    Story about Seungri high, a troublesome school that houses students from the most eligible to the most problematic. "School 2013" shows different life stories of teachers and students as they grow up through conflicts and compromises.

    ср, 5 июня
    12-я серия

    Story about Seungri high, a troublesome school that houses students from the most eligible to the most problematic. "School 2013" shows different life stories of teachers and students as they grow up through conflicts and compromises.

    чт, 6 июня
    13-я серия

    Story about Seungri high, a troublesome school that houses students from the most eligible to the most problematic. "School 2013" shows different life stories of teachers and students as they grow up through conflicts and compromises.

O сериале

Story about Seungri high, a troublesome school that houses students from the most eligible to the most problematic. "School 2013" shows different life stories of teachers and students as they grow up through conflicts and compromises.


Ли Мин Хон

В ролях

Чан Нара, Чой Дэниел, Ли Чон Сок, Ким У Бин, Пак Се ен

Страна и год

Южная Корея, 2012

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